Staff Wi-Fi Access


The use of the University Wi-Fi network and computing services is subject to the Acceptable Use Policy of UA&P. Availing of the services implies that you abide by the University policies.

The UA&P ROAM Wi-Fi i signal is available in every Wi-Fi hotspot area around the University campus. It is designated for the use of university employees who wish to access the campus network with their mobile devices outside their office space.

The access code below is visible only to you if you are logged in to your UA&P Account ( and if you are an employee (faculty or staff) of UA&P. For help or assistance, you may send an email to

UA&P Roam Wi-Fi Access Code

The UA&P ROAM Wi-Fi service is for the exclusive use of UA&P faculty and staff. Please do not disclose this access information to students, guests, or outsiders. Students of UA&P are only allowed to access the UAPPY-FI signal, which has been set up for their exclusive use.